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RQM : Can we create link between test script and test environment

Rajat Krishnan (72122) | asked Sep 16 '21, 3:30 a.m.
edited Sep 16 '21, 4:10 a.m.
We are trying to achieve one use case in Quality Management

Use case :
During the creation of execution record test script has to be selected but then manually we have to also select test environment,so is there any possible way out (either using some api or through Project properties)such that on selection of test script(linked with test case A) automatically the test environment linked with test case A gets selected?

How to Re-produce :
-> Create a Test Suite
-> Link Test Case A along with test environment (selected) , also one test script shall be linked with Test Case A
-> Under test Suite section -> Navigate to Test Case -> Select the test case A -> Run
-> Pop up window "Run Test Case" will appear
-> Select the test environment or test script , now here expectation is that on selection of test script , test environment shall automatically get selected or vice versa

One answer

permanent link
Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Sep 16 '21, 6:30 a.m.

By using keywords and channels, you can automate the selection of a test script based on the Test Environment you have selected for a TCER.  Note that having a Test Environment or a Test Script for a test run is optional ... you have to have a TCER, but the Test Environment of that TCER can be null and the Test Script for that TCER can be null.

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