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How to create resource (Test Suite ) class in OSLC Lyo

Naveen Tyagi (19775152) | asked May 16 '16, 3:11 a.m.
I have been trying to create Entity class for Test Suite since it is not there. I am taking help from already existing class like Test Case ans TCER but it is showing the error while converting  RDF to TestSuite class. I am getting correct RDF but converting is the issue.

if(response != null)
              TestSuite testSuite = response.getEntity(TestSuite.class);

I am  getting null value for testSuite. Are there any specific steps i need to follow?. Thanks!!!

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered May 16 '16, 3:39 a.m.
I thought during previous discussions you understand what needs to be done already.

If you study the Test Case and TCER classes, you should notice that the they basically specify what the RDF file contains, so that Lyo can convert the RDF content to a "class". At the very least, you will need to create a new TestSuite "class", similar to the existing classes.

Naveen Tyagi commented May 16 '16, 7:43 a.m.

Yes. That's what i did but still it is not converting from RDF to Entity class. I used TestCase class and it's RDF for reference.

Naveen Tyagi commented May 17 '16, 9:21 a.m.

Able to create the Class and getting some of the attributes value. But no value being fetched for runTestCase. can you look into it if something is wrong.?

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