Is it possible to copy the DM data(model elements and OLSC link) from one project into another project in DM 4.0?
I couldn't find any way how to copy(export) DM data(model and link) from one project ito another project.
Can I create new workspace in new project based on the existing workspace or snapshot in other configuration space?
I'm using the - " Managed externally using import definition" data management mode.
If you have any information about this, please share it.
One answer
An exact copy of the data won't work as intended, because element IDs would all end up pointing to the same project area.
If you truly want two separate project areas with the same models imported, you will need to perform the import process again to a separate project area.
However, if the reason you want to make a copy of the project area is to allow different users to work on different versions, there is another option: you can have different workspaces based off the same project. First, convert your project into actively managed mode by choosing "Manage Project Properties" in the second menu from the right. On the left side of the page, choose "Domains" and click "Actively managed with Design Manager." Then, in the configuration drop down menu at the top, please choose "Create workspace."
Alternatively, if the reason you want to make a copy of the project area is to keep an unmodified version, please choose the "Create snapshot" menu item.
First, Thanks for your answer.
I would like to create new project base on the existing project because the new project should be handeled in other project.
As you mentioned, I could import model files again into new project. but the OLSC link information and queries in DM couldn't be copied into new project area.
Is there any way to copy these information in DM?
If you already know the model ID information of the elements in the project you wish to copy link information from / to, you can use the REST API for the "links" service at
https://servername:port/dmdirectory/links to read and write link information. For more details, please see: