import export project template in RRC
I have configured a project in a RRC 4.0 instance. I created a project template using this project as a base project. I then downloaded the project template in .archive format. Now I trying to upload the project template to another RRC 4.0 instance and create a project based on this template. However I do not see any option to go to "Manage Project Properties -> Templates" as there are no RRC projects in this instance. I think "Manage Project Properties" option is only available when you are in the project. I am following the instructions in the link below.
What are my option to move a project template from one RRC instance to another?
Thanks for your help!
Accepted answer
You can export the template and import it to another instance of RRC. When you create the template, you'll see everything that you can include (Artifacts, Artifact Templates, Module Templates, Artifact Types and Attributes, Links between Artifacts, Link Types, Folder Structure, Tags, Shared Views, Preferred Link Types). This data is just copied in to an empty project area based on the default RRC process template, which does not include any users/permissions other than the user who created the project from the project template.
Users will need to be added back to the new project manually, as there is currently no way to export the entire project area configuration of an RRC project.
2 other answers
Manage Project Properties options is available if you have the JazzAdmin repository permission for the given server.
Please check if for the same.
Best Regards
Hi Rajat,
I have JazzAdmin permission and also a Analyst license assigned to me. If you see the step 1 in the link I mentioned above, it asks to open a project. But since I have do not have a project in RRC yet, I can't see that option. So does that mean I have to create a dummy project to upload the template.
Open a project, click the Administration menu
and select Manage Project Properties. The project administration page opens.
Hi Rama,
After logging in to the rm/web client, can you open the All Projects page? If so, can you open the Administration menu in the upper right of the toolbar and select Manage Templates? If so, you should be able to import a template from the Process Templates page.
- Doug
Hi Doug,
Thanks for the reply. I am trying to import Project template and not a process template.
As per IBM and my investigation, in such scenarios to import a project template we need to create a dummy project so that we can browse to project template section from Manage project properties, upload the template and then create a new project based on the imported project template.
I am not sure, what is the difference between process and project template.
Yes, you have to have at least one project created in order to get to "Manage Project Properties". This is because most of the properties there are specific to the project that you are in, while the "Templates" section is more generic but is only accessible through project properties.
The process template is the portion that contains role/permission based information, while the project template contains the actual data (ie - folders, artifacts, artifact types, etc..). When a project is created in RRC, it is first deployed using the permissions/roles based on the default RRC process template, and then the actual content of the project is populated. Hope it helps,
Thanks for the answer Benjamin!
I was able to import the project template after creating a dummy project. And I realized that it did not bring over roles and permissions with it.
I have a followup question though. In RRC, what is the best option to move the entire customization of project area (i.e roles, permissions, artifact types, Enumeration, link types etc) to another instance of RRC. For example, in RTC, I think extracting a process template and then exporting/importing it gives you the entire configuration of that project area.