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RRC V4: Can "import" function display a message about the new artifact ID created via the import?

Frank Ning (50025119133) | asked Dec 30 '12, 11:28 p.m.
retagged Jan 07 '13, 1:33 p.m. by Douglas Bush (28125)


After artifacts are imported from a CSV file, the RRC does not display anything about the new artifacts created like their IDs. I have to use "Recent Change" widget to find them. I really hope the RRC can display a message about the artifact IDs created via import. It is even better if the message can list "links" to those artifacts.

Do we already have the feature for me to configure? Or RRC does not have this function yet?

2 answers

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Benjamin Silverman (4.1k610) | answered Dec 31 '12, 2:13 p.m.
Hi Frank,

This feature is not currently present, aside from what you mentioned by using the recent change widget.  Some of the RRC functions produce a summary report once the operation has completed (for example, migration and ReqPro baseline import).  I suggest submitting an enhancement request so that a CSV import summary can get created to include the information you are requesting.

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Daniel Moul (4.9k1318) | answered Jan 02 '13, 8:19 a.m.
 There are two other techniques people use to see the latest imported artifacts:
  1. When you import, select a new or empty folder. After the import, all the artifacts will be in that folder.
  2. Create a view that shows your newly imported artifacts.  Choose filters based on creation date/time, folder, or other property that will uniquely identify your newly imported artifacts.

Frank Ning commented Jan 02 '13, 11:08 p.m.

These are really workaround instead of nice solution, IMO. I knew how to find them but just feel like I don't need to use these extra steps. I will create an enhancement request.

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