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Quality Manager change language
2 answers

Yes, during installation time, make sure you check for spanish language locales. Besides that
if you are working on a spanish computer, broweser automatically will request data in the corresponding locale. Otherwise you can force it by going to the Tools -> Option -> Content in firefox. Check Language section there
you can change default language to spanish
if you are working on a spanish computer, broweser automatically will request data in the corresponding locale. Otherwise you can force it by going to the Tools -> Option -> Content in firefox. Check Language section there
you can change default language to spanish

Thanks Pramod, if QM was installed the language can be changed or not?

Yes, you can update the RQM install with different language packs.
As a shortcut, you can use Quick Locale Switcher in Firefox (see https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/RQML3Main#Switching_locales_in_RQM).