While running my test suite, even when my test is successful, the RQM console remains in Running - Waiting state, following which it finally enters Unknown/Warning state. how to resolve this?
While running my test suite, even when my test is successful, the RQM console remains in Running - Waiting state, following which it finally enters Unknown/Warning state. This problem is seen only sometimes but I have faced it at least 3-4 times. Only workaround i could think of is to cancel the test.
There are no logs on the console as well which would point us to the actual problem.
The test suite is running on a remote AIX 6.1
The RQM Server is running on another AIX system.
The version for the RQM server is : 4.0.1
3 answers
There is no way of getting to the warning from the console. No logs available.
Its not specific to a test suite. Its a bit random and has occurred for different test suites.
There is just one test script into it.
The test logs on the remote machine showed that the test suite has exited successfully , though RQM never reached a completion state.
"The test logs on the remote machine showed that the test suite has exited successfully"
So the execution is happening outside RQM?
What are you executing? RFT, RPT scripts? Stax? Command line execution?
Has the execution actually completed on the remote machine?
Whats the browser used for RQM?