Error while Scheduling a Test case suite on RQM
Hi all
We have an error in Rational Quality Manager Thant does not show in logs.
When I try to schedule a Test suite on RQM, keep getting this error.
Error :
Validation errors for item: type = JobScheduler, itemId = [UUID _Fcr6ohycEeivW5pHx29Ocg]
Value of attribute "job.customData" is 42040 bytes, which is greater than the allowed encoded length of 32768 bytes.
RQM 6.0.3
Any one have an idea what is this?
Rami Raslan
Mar 04 '18, 1:15 p.m.Hi all
I found another question in here that is like mine.
Which was an error in the test case name length
My question here do we have access to change property of an attribute in the test case or Job Scheduler
Example Test case name or Job Scheduler custom Data
And where are those attribute defined.