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BuildForge::EX::APIException: API: Authentication Error.

Jirong Hu (1.5k9295258) | asked Dec 14 '12, 9:40 a.m.
Hi All

I am using the following code to launch BF project from a ClearCase trigger. It's works all fine in my test environment, but got the above error when move it to my production environment. Our test and production environment have a complete separate set of CCCQBF servers, but both are integrated to the same LDAP.

Where can I find the more detailed error message? Can it be the port not open?


 my $conn = new BuildForge::Services::Connection('ccbuildforged01', 3966);
 $conn->authUser('bldforge', 'password');

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Spencer Murata (2.3k115971) | answered Dec 17 '12, 8:42 a.m.
 The code doesn't appear to have a domain attached to the user.  An LDAP user should have a user like "domain/bldforge".  Are you sure that you are using LDAP to authorize the bldforge user?  Verify that a local user  "bldforge" exists in test and not in production.

Unfortunately the logging does not include what the bad credentials are that are coming in, otherwise I would be able to find the people who spam my BF log here at IBM... =)


Jirong Hu commented Dec 19 '12, 9:44 p.m.

 This is resolved, we had some security issue.

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