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BF v8 only runs the first command in the step

Jirong Hu (1.5k9295258) | asked Oct 16 '15, 9:05 p.m.
The following step has two commands, it runs ok in v7, but the 2nd command is not run in v8, unless I seperate it to a new step, why? 

 echo "Copy the changed file from ClearCase view to Informatica Server."
.get jxn-ms-cccqd01_bldforge:${FILE} ${LAND_DIR}/${FNAME}

echo "Copy to Informatica ${TARGET_ENV} environment"
/usr/bin/perl /bldforge/BEV/ ${APP_NAME} ${TARGET_ENV} ${COMMAND} ${FILE}

I did a simple test, these two commands in one step works fine:

echo 1st command
ratlperl.exe D:\Build\

echo 2nd command
ratlperl.exe D:\Build\

One answer

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Joshua Keefe (1011) | answered Oct 20 '15, 3:29 a.m.
Unfortunately, there is not enough details regarding the issue to provide an answer.

Is this behavior only seen when a .get or any dot command is in use?

Do both echo command run when the .get is used and the issue is seen?

Is the second command (the perl file execution ) listed in the build log in any way regardless if it was executed?

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