RTC build with Build Forge - The interface could not be found (Loading source interface JazzJBE)
I am trying to set up the integration between RTC 4.0.1 and Build Forge
I have this step in my BF project: .source JazzJBE
It always failed with the following error message:
136 02/21/13 03:03PM SSL Using plaintext communication.
270 02/21/13 03:03PM RESULT 0 (0)
271 02/21/13 03:03PM INT Adaptor using env name 'RTC PoC DCDirect Env' for macro [ADAPTOR].
273 02/21/13 03:03PM INT Parsing Interface XML.
274 02/21/13 03:03PM INT Loading source interface JazzJBE
275 02/21/13 03:03PM INT The interface could not be found.
I was trying to find the JazzJBE.xml in [BF]/interface folder but I couldn't find it. I only have JazzSCM and JazzSCM2.
Accepted answer
The JazzJBE is only included in Build Forge 7.1.2 and up.
However here is the text:
<!-- Adapter for running JBE to accept/fetch from Jazz Source Control using RTC 3.0 and beyond. -->
<env name="Current_Date" value=".date %d-%m-%y.%H:%M:%S" />
<env name="Last_Run" value="01-01-05.00:00:00" />
<env name="BFServer" value="$BF_SERVER"/>
<env name="Build_Engine_Path" value="default"/>
<env name="Repository_Address" value="https://localhost:9443/jazz" />
<env name="Build_User" value="build" />
<env name="Build_Password" value="build" />
<env name="buildResultUuid" value="" />
<env name="engineUUID" value="default"/>
<env name="Fetch_Dir" value="${BF_PROJECTNAME_PHYS}/${BF_TAG}"/>
<interface name="AntTask">
<run command="runJBE" params="" server="$BFServer" dir="/$BF_PROJECTNAME_PHYS/$BF_TAG" timeout="360"/>
<ontempenv name="Delete" state="hastext">
<step result="FAIL" />
<setenv name="_CI_BUILD_DELETE" value="1"/>
<ontempenv name="Failure" state="hastext">
<step result="FAIL" />
<onstep result="pass">
<setenv group="[ADAPTOR]" name="Last_Run" value="$Current_Date" />
<command name="runJBE">
<execute>$Build_Engine_Path/jbe -userId $Build_User -pass $Build_Password -repository $Repository_Address -buildResultUUID $buildResultUuid -engineUUID $engineUUID -participants com.ibm.team.build.jazzscm -noComplete -verbose</execute>
<match pattern="RC\=[0]">
<setenv name="Changes" value="TRUE" type="temp append\n" />
<match pattern="RC\=[1]">
<setenv name="Failure" value="TRUE" type="temp append\n" />
<match pattern="RC\=[2]">
<setenv name="Delete" value="TRUE" type="temp append\n" />