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RTC build project issue

Sheetal Ghuge (1144) | asked Jul 25 '13, 7:57 a.m.

Hi everyone. I have uploaded some (custom) jars on Sonatype Nexus Repository. I have added all jars in one project and in that project's pom.xml all jars are added as '<module>jar</module>'. When I check that jars I can see only 'META-INF' folder in Archive Browser window on nexus. I am not getting any of the class files under that jar folder. What could be reason? Is anything going wrong in the way I am uploading jars on nexus? 

When I try to build project with those jars as a dependnecy, jar is getting downloaded from the path where I have uploaded earlier but it gives compilation errors as *** package not resolved Or *** cannot find symbol. All error logs contains packages and classes that are present in the uploaded jar folder.

Scott Cowan commented Jul 29 '13, 10:56 a.m. | edited Jul 29 '13, 10:59 a.m.

Hi Sheetal,

I think your questions are better directed towards, or

Do you have any specific Rational Build Forge questions?


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Sheetal Ghuge (1144) | answered Jul 31 '13, 3:03 a.m.

Thanks Scott.

I don't have any specific Rational Build Forge questions.

Hope I'll get solution very soon.

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