Unable to build com.ibm.team.repository.service plugin from provided source

however, now that I have found all the source., the build fails..
there are two error classes (550+ errors in all)
1498. ERROR in C:\Users\sam\workspacevx - Repository manager etc\com.ibm.team.repository.service\repository_servicesrc\com\ibm\team\repository\service\internal\dataaccess\JDBC3QueryByBlocks.java (at line 60)
class JDBC3QueryByBlocks implements ResultSet, IDataAccessConstants {
The type JDBC3QueryByBlocks must implement the inherited abstract method ResultSet.getHoldability()
1903. ERROR in C:\Users\sam\workspacevx - Repository manager etc\com.ibm.team.repository.service\repository_servicesrc\com\ibm\team\repository\service\internal\db\jdbcwrappers\errlog\CallableStatementErrLogWrapper.java (at line 31)
public class CallableStatementErrLogWrapper extends
The type CallableStatementErrLogWrapper must implement the inherited abstract method CallableStatement.getCharacterStream(String)
the plugin jar is still built.. but some classes are not produced is seems (.class file not present)
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com.ibm.team.repository.common.transport.internal.registry.ExtensionServiceActivationManagerOwner (initialization failure)
Accepted answer

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now code compiles properly, but the runtime still fails. like some config is missing

It's looking for /com/ibm/team/repository/service/internal/property/RepositoryServiceProperties.properties
as a sibling to com.ibm.team.repository.service.internal.property.RepositoryServiceProperties.class
Do you have that .properties file? If you have it in source, is it getting copied to the bin dir properly?

there are a bunch of properties files that are not loaded by the project import..
once these are copied from the production plugin, things work as expected
thanks Nick!


did you download the rtc SDK? and set the plugin platform in eclipse?

I think Sam meant "Target platform" (in preferences, under Plug-in Development). If you're using the default target, it's compiling against the running RTC client, which does not include the server-side plug-ins.