Where I can find schema sources for extension point?
3 answers
I am having the same issue.
How did you resolve your issue?
I would appreciate any guidance you can provide.
If you use the keyboard content assist it will help u complete the schema. On my system that is ctrl-space in each part of the XML content.
Sam, I cannot use keyboard content assist if I don't have the xml source. For example it's the same with advisor or precondition extesions: I can arrive to <prerequisite> tag but I cannot have any hint on <requiredService> tag. In that case I know what to use from the forum, but there are other cases that I have no idea on what I can use. So I think it would be usefull to include these xml on next SDK.
The prerequisite tag is not in the schema.I don't know why, but it is not. You simply have to know what to do. E.g. as described in the Extensions workshop. You should be able to open the schema from the plugin providing the extension point.