How to find RTC error code?
Accepted answer
Hi Si Ning,
You can find error messages in the information centre for CLM version 4 here.
Error message IDs are composed of a prefix, a number, and a message type. The prefixes are as follows:
- AQXxx: Rational® Quality Manager, where xx is component information that aides the support and development teams
- CRCQP: Rational Team Concert Enterprise Extensions for Power
- CRHTC: Rational Team Concert Enterprise Extensions for z/OS
- CRJAZ: Jazz™ repository
- CRJCA: Jazz common administration
- CRJZS: Jazz Team Server
- CRJZZ: Rational Team Concert Enterprise Extensions for z/OS
- CRRDV: Dashboard viewlets for Rational Team Concert and Rational Jazz Foundation
- CRREL: Rational Insight licensing
- CRRSL: Rational Suspicion Profile Administration
- CRRRC: Rational Requirements Composer
- CRRRD: Rational Reporting Data Warehouse
- CRRRE: Rational Reporting ETL
- CRRRI: Rational Reporting install
- CRRRL: Rational Reporting licensing
- CRRRS: Rational Requirements Composer server
- CRRRW: Rational Requirements Composer web interface
- CRRTC: Rational Team Concert