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Is it possible to get Project Area and Stream details from a versionable in ALM or not?

Quang Ngo Minh (132) | asked Feb 07, 10:55 a.m.
edited Feb 07, 10:56 a.m.

We have stream 1 and stream 2:

  • Stream 1 has a.c and a.tpa files.
  • Stream 2 has only a.c file.
User made associate between a.c and a.tpa file from stream 1. Now both stream 1 and stream 2 can fetch results since metadata is stored in DB.
URL for stream 1 show all details such as project area and stream name, component id and item id, for example:

But URL for stream 2 shows only component id, item id, item state id, for example:

So we need to check in case of stream 2 also, is it possible to get project area and stream name using versionable handle (item id and state id).


Ralph Schoon commented Feb 08, 2:14 a.m.

 AFAIK the links above are no valid URI's for any of the resources. the URL's you get if you grab the browser URL are views and the like. You can get information like UUIDs as a byproduct, but it depends on the view, which data you get. 

These URL's are not API.

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