server/conf/jts/indices grows to 7GB, normal?
I did upgrade from to and then I noticed that the <JazzInstallDir>/server/conf/jts/indicies grew bigger and bigger without new projects/artifactes. It possibly grew from ~3GB to 7GB now.
Is this expected? Any way for me to reduce its size (clean it up)?
Thanks and Regards
PS. DB2 V9.7 and WAS 8.0.3 are used.
2 answers
This doesn't feel right. A migration to 4.0.1 should not have increased the index. In fact, a migration should have kept the index the same since and 4.0.1 indices are compatible (even though this step upgrades the underlying technology). It looks like the size got duplicated, which to me looks like something went wrong in the upgrade process. Frank, under indices/ you should find a number of subdirectories with consumer keys. Do you know/recall how many you had in 4.0 and how many you have now in 4.0.1? There should not be more subdirectories in indices/ than you have registered consumers (in your admin web ui)
1 vote
Hi Simon,
Sorry, I don't have the records. Do you know if I can delete all the indices and recreate them?
Frank, there was a bug fixed in 4.0.1 that could have duplicated the index. However, this issue should not be present in the GA. What version of 4.0.1 are you using? Can you point to the download page?
Now, if this is the problem, you could check the following: under conf/jts/indices, do you have a subdirectory indices 'again'? I.e. do you have a set of directories conf/jts/indices/indices? If so, you can simply remove conf/jts/indices/indices because the system will have rebuild the indices under conf/jts/indices in that case.
If this is not the issue and you can keep the server down, you can always completely rebuild the indices by a) removing everything under conf/jts/indices and b) running 2 repotool commands. The first one would be "repotools -reindex all" and the second one would be "repotools -rebuildTextIndices". These two commands should be run while the server is down though.
After some more communication, it appears the upgrade from 4.0 to may have introduced the subdirectory indices under conf/jts/indices as I explained in my previous comment. Frank, please let me know if there is this subdirectory. The fix is then to simply delete conf/jts/indices/indices and you won't have to run any commands or do anything else. thanks
1 vote
Hi Simon,
Thanks a lot. I do see the indices under indices. I am going to remove everything under indices and rebuild indices with the commands you mentioned.
1 vote
After the rebuild, the indices came down to 2GB from 7GB. Cheers!
1 vote
You can always completely rebuild the indices by a) removing everything under conf/jts/indices and b) running 2 repotool commands. The first one would be "repotools -reindex all" and the second one would be "repotools -rebuildTextIndices". These two commands should be run while the server is down though.
This problem has been fixed in 4.0.1 but is still a problem when upgrading to (and possibly when upgrading to 4.0). I have created a work item to create a tech note describing the problem and possible solutions.
Thanks, Bo.
I am also doing upgrade directly from (refresh install) to 4.0.1. Hopefully this won't happen any more:-)