Web UI problem in RTC 4.0.7 after upgrading it from
I have upgraded RTC from version to RTC version 4.0.7, upgrade was successful and we were able to verify project areas, work items and other related things however if a work item is opened in WEB client, for a enum attribute it shows error sign on work item editor and error message is displayed as [object, object]. If we try to view enum literals it shows a value "Retrieving" and it is stuck their i.e. we are unable to view enum literals in WEB client. If a work item is opened in eclipse client everything seems to be fine i.e. we are able to view enum literals and no error sysmbol or message is shown on work item attribute.
Troubleshooting we have done ,
- We have applied latest fix pack of RTC 4.0.7.
- We have followed "https://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21682160" link and verified if enum id's are different, but enum id's are same.
Please let us know a solution to solve this problem.
We are planning to take this to RTC 6.0.5 i.e. current version is 4.0.7 from which we will upgrade to 5.0.2 and finally to 6.0.5.
Don Yang
Feb 10 '19, 7:46 p.m.you may want to check process configuration source in Eclipse client and see anything is abnormal on the source(red error symbol) or check the editor presentation shows anything abnormal over Eclipse client
Ralph Schoon
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Feb 12 '19, 8:36 a.m.Are you saying the problem is gone?
vikrant kamble
Feb 12 '19, 8:59 a.m.Yes, problem is gone