How to create use cases in Rational Requirements Composer?
Can someone direct me to where I can find information on how to create use cases in Rational Requirements Composer?
I am currently evaluating this tool and cannot find a way to do this and it is a critical requirement.
I need the ability to create use cases with the typical use case fields (name, id, overview, actors, preconditions, post conditions, trigger, extensions, alternate paths). Also need the ability to import use cases. Not sure if that is possible yet.
3 answers
- First, you need to have an Analyst license assigned to your user ID and author/analyst role in the project.
- Then (assuming you are talking about textual use cases) your project needs an artifact type defined called "Use Case Description" (or whatever you want to call it) with format = text
- Then create an artifact of type Use Case Description and add the headings and default attribute values you care about. Save it as a template.
- Then create a new Use Case description and apply the template when creating it.
If you want use case diagram as well, then you need another artifact type with format = use case diagram
You need project administrator role to do most of the above.
The simplest way to experience this is to use the Money That Matters sample project, which has some example use case artifacts defined, and more can easily be created. Alternatively, you can create a new project and select the use case driven development template (I don't remember the exact project template name; if you don't see that in the list, choose "traditional development").
Note that there are three levels of granularity you can use. The "right" one depends on your methodology: at what level do you want to manage the use cases (i.e. have attributes, link to tests, development implementation tasks, etc)?
- Whole use case is one document (the simplest to implement and the one described above)
- Each flow is a separate requirement artifact, and they are embedded in another artifact which provides the combined view (this approach makes it easy to assign one flow to a test case or implementation task)
- Each paragraph is a separately managed artifact (typically organized in a module; this is new in 4.0.1)
You can import use cases in Word, RTF, or OpenDocument Text formats. You can import and leave them in their native format, or you can convert each one to native RRC text as one artifact, or you can parse them into pieces automatically as you import them.