Log files are missing
We were trying to find out why a user was having trouble and when we went to the RTC server and JTS server we couldn't find any current logs. I looked in the properties and it said there should be a jts.log file but its no where on the system. The logs were last updated in Sept. We do have logs for tomcat but that won't help us if we have trouble with JTS or RTC.
Looking for ideas on why we can't find any current logs.
Looking for ideas on why we can't find any current logs.
2 answers
I've found that using an absolute path for logs defined via log4j.properties works best. If there is a partial path, that partial path will be written under either the 'server' directory of the install and sometimes under tomcat directory.
# File Appender #
log4j.appender.file.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ISO8601} [%30t] %5p %-50.50c - %m%n
You can also view the jazz log with a URI in this form:
substitute server.domain with the host name of the server, :port with the port number, if necessary; context will be jazz, jts, ccm, qm, rm depending on the heritage of the application.
I'd also check for full file system if the log configuration are properly set.
# File Appender #
log4j.appender.file.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ISO8601} [%30t] %5p %-50.50c - %m%n
You can also view the jazz log with a URI in this form:
substitute server.domain with the host name of the server, :port with the port number, if necessary; context will be jazz, jts, ccm, qm, rm depending on the heritage of the application.
I'd also check for full file system if the log configuration are properly set.
Thanks for the reply. We are using an absolute path for our log file. The link you gave me really didn't provide much information. Could logging have been turned off?
This worries me not having current logs of the system. If something were to go wrong we would have no way sending information to support cause we have no logs.
Thanks for the reply. We are using an absolute path for our log file. The link you gave me really didn't provide much information. Could logging have been turned off?
This worries me not having current logs of the system. If something were to go wrong we would have no way sending information to support cause we have no logs.
Well, there are the different levels that log4j can use (DEBUG, INFO, WARN, etc)
Default logging is for WARN and higher
log4j.rootLogger=WARN, file
as well as being able to say something like:
for various classes. I looked in the Advanced Properties for 'log' and didn't find much.
However, I have found that the jazz / jts logs don't bring that much to the party (at least how we've configured) to help much with problem determination.