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CRJAZ2796E Jazz Team Server could not process this request because of an unexpected error: CRJAZ6053E The 'Save Build Result' operation cannot be completed. "Modify collections of process attachments" permission is required to complete the operation

2 answers


I don't where to submit the issue on IBM internal system,if you know,please tell me.

Are you sure it's RTC 6.0.3? Which build? 6.0.3 GA is not officially out yet.

rtc link:https://jazz.net/jazz02/
About the Change and Configuration Management Application
Build Information | Version | Build ID |
Change and Configuration Management - Core Libraries | 6.0.3 | RTC-SERVER-I20161103-1715 |
Jazz Foundation - Core Libraries | 6.0.3 | RJF-SERVER-I20161028-1243 |


I contacted with the Jazz02 administrator,below is his response:
try: webmaster@jazz.net or info@jazz.net.

By the way,we want find some log on the "jazzdev02.torolab.ibm.com/jazz02" becasue "To find this data, search the log file for this identifier: B0D2917E4B777F13C38F544C52BDEAAA869B6595."

You do realize that https://jazzdev02.torolab.ibm.com/jazz02 is internal access only, right? If so, why do you think posting the question on a public forum will get you help? Judging by the server name, I suppose it is hosted in the IBM Toronto Lab, right? Check with the Lab Team there first.

I won't submit this question here if I have another choice.I sent mail to all the admin of the project,no feedback yet.Also,the admin suggest me send mail to webmaster@jazz.net or info@jazz.net because the https://jazzdev02.torolab.ibm.com/jazz02 is using Jazz account,these two mail owner didn't give me response,so I only can post question here try to get some help.

What do you mean "Jazz account"? I don't know who monitors webmaster@jazz.net and info@jazz.net. I suppose these two email accounts are only for things hosted on jazz.net, not jazzdev02.torolab.ibm.com.
BTW, you should receive email notifications about the upgrade of your system from time to time (someone must have upgraded RTC to 6.0.3 for you). Whoever sending out the notification should be the guy you need to get hold of.

I will try to find that notification.

I searched my mail box with key work "jazzdev" and "torolab.ibm.com",unfortunately,no matched result.

Are you sure when you log in https://jazzdev02.torolab.ibm.com/jazz02, you are not using the IBM Intranet ID/password? "Jazz" does not mean much. At least it does not mean "jazz.net" - I'm very sure about it.

I am sure I am using Jazz account.