IE freezes when i open the Minidashboard from a particular project.
When i log in to a RQM project and click on the minidashboard to select a different project, IE freezes and will not allow me to do anything on the project area nor the IE.
in one of the widget mystak on RQM project dashboard, i see this error:
Unable to load /jazz/proxy?uri=https%3A%2F%2F30.128.128.133%3A9443%2Fjazz%2Foslc%2Fcontexts%2F_BrPrgU2BEeGQb-FnAq52Iw%2Fworkitems%2Fservices.xml&dojo.preventCache=1351086041459 status:403
I am not sure whehter this error is somewhere related to above mentioned issue. could some provide your inputs on both the issue's??
Curtis d'Entremont
FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Oct 25 '12, 10:34 a.m.Hi Naveen, could you provide details about the following:
- Which version of RQM you're using
- Which version of IE you're using
- What types of widgets do you have in your mini dashboard (or is it the default content?)
- Is the browser completely unresponsive or is it just taking forever to do anything?
You may be able to get more clues about the issue by opening the debug panel (F12) and look at the console for errors, and adding the "?debug=true" parameter to the URL will provide better error reporting as it turns off the JavaScript compression.
As for the 403 error, this error usually means you don't have permission to view something. You might want to check to make sure you have read access to the relevant project(s) to view the content in the widget. Also, which widget does the error happen in?