"Generating Team Invitation" has encountered a problem
This is the rest of the error:
Exception occurred during team invitation generation:
Error generating team invitations for the following members: MemberName MemberLastName.
I've checked that my profile (Project Owner and SCRUM Master) has the send invitations permission.
I've confirmed that the SMTP credentials work.
However there is no other more "verbose" error that allows us to know exactly what is going on.
We need your help!
Nicolas E.
Accepted answer
I am not sure if this is the same case but, a customer of mine had an issue with the email notifications as well.
The problem was in the firewall. Some of the ports required by the email system were blocked.
Check in the jts setup if the email notification customization is working.
2 other answers
The team invitations are sent as the currently logged in user. But I am not sure that is the problem here. When there is an error mailing the invitation, the error usually includes details with an exception stack trace. That is not the case here, correct?
Is there anything in the log file on the server? Is this happening in the Eclipse UI or the web UI?
Jazz L3 Developer
The team invitations are sent as the currently logged in user. But I am not sure that is the problem here. When there is an error mailing the invitation, the error usually includes details with an exception stack trace. That is not the case here, correct?
Is there anything in the log file on the server? Is this happening in the Eclipse UI or the web UI?
Jazz L3 Developer
Nicolas Echavarria
Oct 25 '12, 8:17 p.m.Ruby,