Why are Out-Of-The-Box templates in RRDG using so much memory?
The RPE templates that are included in RRDG for DNG: Print Module Book, Print Module Table etc
Are extremely slow when generating documents. Up to an hour in some cases.
Also, the rrdg log(see warnings below) shows memory usage to be very high
Short of increasing the JTS resources, is there any way to improve performance?
2016-05-26 11:42:40,634 [MemoryPoolMXBean notification dispatcher] WARN com.ibm.rational.rrdg - CRRPE3125W Java heap has exceeded the threshold of 16384 MB(100 % of maximum allowed heap space). 14992 MB of memory has been used from maximum of 16384 MB.
2 answers
The memory requirement really depends on the module that you try to print. If you try to print a module containing thousands of requirements, undoubtedly huge amount of memory is required to handle such load.
Hi Donald,
Thanks for the quick response. You are correct some of these modules have over a 1000 artifacts.
Below are details about the VM and JRE(looks to be 64bit?)
What do you recommend setting the heap size to?
VM Memory Usage
Maximum Memory Allocation 16384 MB
Current Memory Allocation 16384 MB
Free Memory 6%
Application VM
Vendor IBMCorporation
Name IBM J9 VM
JRE 1.6.0 Windows Server 2008 R2 amd64-64 Compressed References 20150701_255671 (JIT enabled, AOT enabled)
J9VM - R26_Java626_SR8_20150701_0100_B255671
JIT - tr.r11_20150626_95120.01
GC - R26_Java626_SR8_20150701_0100_B255671_CMPRSS
J9CL - 20150701_255671