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Ask a question - Your account does not have the group memberships required to access the requested resource.

Jeff Ong (14113947) | asked Oct 06 '17, 3:10 a.m.
edited Oct 06 '17, 3:11 a.m.

We're in the process of doing a server rename.

2017-10-06 02:40:07,144 CRJAZ2942E A request from this server to another server could not be completed. The other server returned a 500 HTTP error with this error text: Internal Server Error.
We are in the process of doing a server rename using, repotools-jts -generateURLMappings ... etc.

2017-10-06 02:40:03,017 CRJAZ2233I The server at is being contacted to collect URL information.
2017-10-06 02:40:07,144 CRJAZ2942E A request from this server to another server could not be completed. The other server returned a 500 HTTP error with this error text: Internal Server Error. CRJAZ2942E A request from this server to another server could not be completed. The other server returned a 500 HTTP error with thi
s error text: Internal Server Error.

When we point our web browser to,

We get this error,

Permission Denied

Your account does not have the group memberships required to access the requested resource.

Any ideas on what might be the issue here ?  Thanks

One answer

permanent link
Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Oct 08 '17, 12:55 a.m.

To display the information, JTS needs to contact all the registered applications, so make sure all functional users (such as ccm_user, qm_user and etc) are active and with an internal license assigned - this is the default configuration, unless it has been changed for whatever reason.

Of course you need to log in JTS as JazzAdmins.

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