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questions on re-deployment of code to server

Ananya Joisa (4562124) | asked Oct 12 '12, 7:58 a.m.

Once I deploy the code to the server, how would I redeploy the changes I make later in the code after deploying?

Last time I had deployed the code, according to the RTC Extension Workshop document, later I was unable to redeploy the changes I made in the code later. How would I update the code in the server after deploying? Could you please guide me?

FYI, I have followed the document for extension and deploying.


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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Oct 12 '12, 8:22 a.m.
As far as I can tell,

In your dev environment, don't check in the files created during the build of the update site. Delete the you have to delete the old files. The Jar files and the folders, except the site.xml in the update site project. Open the site.xml and rebuild all. Replace the files on the server with the new files.

Run a server reset:


and restart the server.

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