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Language Translation resource files getting corrupted

We are using RTC 4.0 and seem to have a problem with some files getting corrupted after we deliver them to RTC. We can submit and get the file out of SVN with no trouble at all. However the same file put into RTC and retrieved gets changed. I read a little thing about Language definitions but we use a different IDE for the builds of this project.
Maybe someone can tell me the difference to:
Preferences > Team > File Content and
Preferences > Team > Jazz Source Control > File Properties
The only difference I see in the two listings is that File Properties has a column for 'Line Delimiter'
We did change the Preference > Workspace > Text file coding to 'Other: ISO-8859-1' but that didn't seem to change anything.
Maybe someone can tell me the difference to:
Preferences > Team > File Content and
Preferences > Team > Jazz Source Control > File Properties
The only difference I see in the two listings is that File Properties has a column for 'Line Delimiter'
We did change the Preference > Workspace > Text file coding to 'Other: ISO-8859-1' but that didn't seem to change anything.