Lifecycle Project Area x Process Sharing

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I remember that I was able to do what you wanted. To my knowledge I did the following (I suggest to use a small test system to make sure it works):
- Export one of the LPA lifecycle project templates.
Modify the project template to give it a new name and replace the RTC process template in the XML to use the unconfigured process
- Import the modified template
- Create an LPA project from the new template
point the new project area to a project area that shares.
I did this some month ago, so I am not sure if I had to do anything with the templates in RTC e.g. export the unconfigured template and import it again. But I don't think I had to do that. I think I just changed the template used in the LA template.

I typically take the following approach, make a copy of the "Unconfigured" template, then modify the template so that it has, sample timelines/iterations and the "Project Area Initialization" actions "Server follow-up" like; Create Team Areas, Setup Project, create components/streams and Setup Project for Reports. I setup a standard naming convention for some strawman timelines and iterations along with similarly named team areas. When I define the "Project Area Initialization" actions for Team Areas, I can tie the TAs to the Timelines. With this done, I still keep most of the process configuration close to the original "Unconfigured" template but benefit from having some things in the child project area created during initialization. This can even be expanded to stream and component creation so that an initial structure is created; development, test/integration and production leaving me only the task of updating their flow targets to make the physical connection between them after creation. I try to minimize the amount of post creation steps I or others have to do to get a team up and running from a project area administration perspective. I find it simpler to modify template timeline/iteration ids/names than create them from the ground up, plus it provides a basis for applying a consistent naming convention, same with avoiding having to redeploy report resources as a post creation step, and setup all components and streams.
Once I have the new Semi-"Unconfigured" template, I export one of the LPA process xmls and create a new one that references only my new ccm template. I also use a custom rdng "Project Process" reference in the LPA xml so that teams get a common and consistent set of artifact types, attributes, views, folder structure, etc.. in their rm project areas. I really don't find this is a "hack" approach, just the only way to create or modify the lifecycle templates.
It is a bit of effort to setup, but if you're planning on creating many lifecycle projects over time, this reduces a lot of post creation steps. I am glad to hear that an rfe is in to allow for setting the process sharing target when creating the lifecycle project.

I do first create the different project areas (rm, ccm, qm) and at the end the Lifecycle Project**. So it's easy and you don't need to export, import , hack the xml or whatever
I would not create a project using whatever project and afterward delete the xml conten, and use the shared process. I remember having done this for our first projects, and I had some troubles.
** you can during creation of a lifecycle project connect to existing project areas
Carlos S
Oct 07 '12, 11:12 a.m.Ralph/Erwin, thank you for your replies!
I see that both these workarounds may help me in this scenario...
It would be better if we could just select the "Unconfigured Process" template as we can with "Scrum, OpenUP, and Formal Project Management", but I don't understand why the Lifecycle Project Administration application doesn't give us this option...
It seems like Lifecycle Project Administration doesn't care about Process Sharing (that needs Unconfigured Process to be achieved)...Or I'm missing something...
Thanks again for your help!