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BIRT - Hyperlink to run a dynamic work item query - Filtering for report parameters

Zachary K (19354339) | asked Sep 19 '12, 1:30 p.m.
edited Sep 19 '12, 1:31 p.m.
I need to generate an hyperlink to run a dynamic work item query. One of my parameter is the Status. I tried many combinations but I can't get it to work. Only the StateGroup works but I need to narrow it down to the State level.
What is the parameterName to use?
The following doesn't work: parameterName=State 

Thanks you 

One answer

permanent link
Rafik Jaouani (5.0k16) | answered Sep 20 '12, 7:15 p.m.
Here is the Wiki that documents Linking in RTC BIRT Reports:
I do not think we currently support State but I will need to confirm that. If we do not, I would suggest making a enhancement request for this. It should be very easy to implement.

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