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Encoding problem - error

Yehiel Glass (25548986) | asked Sep 04 '12, 4:51 a.m.
edited Sep 04 '12, 4:51 a.m.
I need assistance with my file :
We are working with windows clients (Cp1255 encoding) but we also have one Unix client.
We have files wiout extenssion. I don't know how to configure them.
This is the content of my file:
[dev_app] lifedev /home/rtcadmin/.jazz-scm [3]% vi
"" 14 lines, 891 characters
*.pco: mime: plain/text; delim: platform; encoding: Cp1255
*.cob: mime: plain/text; delim: platform; encoding: Cp1255
*.cbl: mime: plain/text; delim: platform; encoding: Cp1255
*.CBL: mime: plain/text; delim: platform; encoding: Cp1255
*.CO: mime: plain/text; delim: platform; encoding: Cp1255
*.C: mime: plain/text; delim: platform; encoding: Cp1255
*.CPY: mime: plain/text; delim: platform;  encoding: Cp1255
*.xsgm: mime: application/xml; delim: platform; encoding: Cp1255
ProgramConfiguration: mime: application/xml; delim: platform; encoding: Cp1255
Gates: mime: application/xml; delim: platform; encoding: Cp1255
ModuleConfiguration: mime: application/xml; delim: platform; encoding: Cp1255
Presentation: mime: application/xml; delim: platform; encoding: Cp1255
Splits: mime: application/xml; delim: platform; encoding: Cp1255
*: mime: plain/text; delim: platform; encoding: Cp1255
I get this error :
d /pde/shared_workspace/life_pde_sync_in LIFE_RTC/Copy/TKP_400_NOGA_LEUMI
Root exception: Status ERROR: code=0 Error during upload null children=[Status ERROR: code=0 Failed to upload File /LIFE_RTC/Copy/TKP_400_NOGA_LEUMI  java.nio.charset.IllegalCharsetNameException: Cp1255 ]
Contains : 0 Failed to upload File /LIFE_RTC/Copy/TKP_400_NOGA_LEUMI 
java.nio.charset.IllegalCharsetNameException: Cp1255 
        at java.nio.charset.Charset.checkName(
        at java.nio.charset.Charset.lookup(
        at java.nio.charset.Charset.forName(
Internal error occurred Status ERROR: code=0 Error during upload null children=[Status ERROR: code=0 Failed to upload File /LIFE_RTC/Copy/TKP_400_NOGA_LEUMI  java.nio.charset.IllegalCharsetNameException: Cp1255 ]
Contains : 0 Failed to upload File /LIFE_RTC/Copy/TKP_400_NOGA_LEUMI 
java.nio.charset.IllegalCharsetNameException: Cp1255 

Karl Weinert commented Sep 04 '12, 1:55 p.m.

It seems to be related to Cp1255 encoding rather than the fact that the file does not have an extension. I get similar results when using *.abc: mime: plain/text; delim: platform; encoding: Cp1255 Have you been able check in files with a different extension but the same encoding on Linux?

3 answers

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Shashikant Padur (4.2k27) | answered Sep 05 '12, 4:25 a.m.
From your file, I see the following line... *: mime: plain/text; delim: platform; encoding: Cp1255. This means that if the lines above this line in file did not match any files, all the files will be checked in using cp1255 encoding.
As Karl mentioned, it is the problem with the encoding Cp1255 which is a code page used under windows. I believe you are trying to checkin the file under linux. Is that correct?

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Yehiel Glass (25548986) | answered Sep 12 '12, 2:39 a.m.
I'm trying to checkin files on linux with windows encoding.
All the other files are checkin well, but I have problem with new files without extension only.
Do you have any other idea, how to set the encoding if the users are working on windows but there is one critical client that is Unix (this client is for auto sync process only) ?

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Shashikant Padur (4.2k27) | answered Sep 12 '12, 6:12 a.m.
I tried with and without an extension and it worked fine for me. Although I did get an error when there was a space after the encoding such as... "*: mime: plain/text; delim: platform; encoding: Cp1255 ". Note the trailing space.

Make sure you do not have a space after the encoding for all the lines in file... "*: mime: plain/text; delim: platform; encoding: Cp1255".

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