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Link types (e.g. Implements Requirement) visible only on RTC web client?

Claudia Callegari (44449871) | asked Aug 28 '12, 9:19 a.m.
I have a predefined query named "Current Traceability" defined in RTC, which displays id, description, and 2 link types: "Implements Requirements" and "Tested by Test Case".
When we run this query on the web client, we see the 4 columns, but on the eclipse client, we just see the id and description columns only.
I would like to double check if this is a tool's limitation, or we are missing anything.

One answer

permanent link
sam detweiler (12.5k6195201) | answered Aug 28 '12, 10:41 a.m.
relationship links are displayed by configuring the eclipse client. in the lower window, workitem list, select the white dropdown icon (V) in the lower window titlebar, and configure the relationships u want to be shown


Claudia Callegari commented Aug 28 '12, 11:30 a.m.

Hi Sam, I tried to do that, but the "Implement Requirements" does not appear as a relationship there, even if my project area is integrated with RRC.

sam detweiler commented Aug 28 '12, 3:41 p.m.

I don't know. I don't have RRC here. don't know what turns these links on.

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