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Question on upgrade of RTC 3.x to RTC 4.0

Rational Team Concert
SQL Server 2008 R2 (64-bit)
Windows 2008 Server (64-bit)
Single instance of WAS. I have two profiles - one for JTS and the other for CCM. Both JTS and CCM are on the same box.
I'm referring to the Info center on the upgrade instructions for RTC 3.x to 4.0. Please see the text in red below.
I opened the teamserver.properties file that is in my JTS install dir. The current setting is:
So, as per the instructions should I change the value to D:\IBM\WebSphere\appServer\profiles\Appsrv0\conf\jts\indices\workitemindex before running the upgrade scripts? The question is that currently there is no conf directory under D:\IBM\WebSphere\appServer\profiles\Appsrv0. Please let me know.
11Verify the index locations Back to top
Before starting the upgrade, follow these steps to verify that the index locations in the application's properties files are pointing to an absolute path on the file system, rather than relative paths.
For Jazz Team Server, go to JTS_3.0.1_install_dir/server/jts and open temserver.properties file for editing.
For Change and Configuration Management application, go to CCM_3.0.1_install_dir/server/ccm and open temserver.properties file for editing.
For Quality Management application, go to QM_3.0.1_install_dir/server/qm and open temserver.properties file for editing.
Search for the com.ibm.team.fulltext.indexlocation line.
If the location is a relative path, the indices will be located relative to the WebSphere Application Server profile hosting the applications. Change the location to an absolute path:
For Jazz Team Server, enter com.ibm.team.fulltext.indexLocation=WAS_Install_Dir/IBM/WebSphere/appServer/profiles/Appsrv01/conf/jts/indices/workitemindex where WAS_Install_Dir is the WebSphere Application Server installation directory and Appsrv01 is the application server profile name.
For Change and Confoguration Management application, enter com.ibm.team.fulltext.indexLocation=WAS_Install_Dir/IBM/WebSphere/appServer/profiles/Appsrv01/conf/ccm/indices/workitemindex where WAS_Install_Dir is the WebSphere Application Server installation directory and Appsrv01 is the application server profile name.
For Quality Management application, enter com.ibm.team.fulltext.indexLocation=WAS_Install_Dir/IBM/WebSphere/appServer/profiles/Appsrv01/conf/qm/indices/workitemindex where WAS_Install_Dir is the WebSphere Application Server installation directory and Appsrv01 is the application server profile name.
During the upgrade, after the properties are merged, the script opens the 4.0 teamserver.properties file and lets you preview the properties. At that point, change the location of the index files to an absolute path of a stable location on your drive. A stable location is a directory that will not be deleted as a result of an application unnstall. The absolute stable location should look like this:
com.ibm.team.fulltext.indexLocation=JTS_4.0_install_dir/server/conf/jts/indices/workitemindex where JTS_4.0_install_dir is the location where Jazz Team Server 4.0 application is installed.
com.ibm.team.fulltext.indexLocation=CCM_4.0_install_dir/server/conf/ccm/indices/workitemindex where CCM_4.0_install_dir is the location where Change and Configuration Management 4.0 application is installed.
com.ibm.team.fulltext.indexLocation=QM_4.0_install_dir/server/conf/qm/indices/workitemindex where QM_4.0_install_dir is the location where Quality Management 4.0 application is installed.
The script will then copy the indices from 3.x to the new 4.0 stable directory.
Accepted answer

The instructions are saying that if you are using WebSphere and the index location is pointing to a relative path it will use ..../WebSphere/appServer/profiles/<Profile name>/conf/<application>/indices/workitemindex
You said the conf directory does not exist. Did you check under the both the ccm and jts profiles?
5 other answers

When deploying a production server, it should be considered to place the index and other files that by default are relative to the server/conf/app folder in a folder that is independent of the install location. And make the path entry in the teamserver.properties file absolute.
In your case I would suggest to.
- Shutdown the server
Move the files into a different location
- change the teamserver.properties for the apps where these files got moved accordingly
- start up the server and check this was successful
The reason being:
- You do a side by side install of 4.0, upgrade and keep the index location in the original 3.0 install folders
- Later someone decides to delete 3.x server folder
- Your index files are gone and you have to reindex
You also want to think about including these files into backups.... see https://jazz.net/library/article/795

Thanks! Since I currently don't have the absolute path in my teamserver.properties files I don't change anyhting in the teamserver.properties files and as part of the upgrade process: 1. Don't change anything in the teamserver.properties file 2. Run the upgrade scripts 3. While running the upgrade script, teamserver.properties file pops up and I give the aboslute path (JTS_4.0_install_dir/server/conf/jts/indices/workitemindex & JTS_4.0_install_dir/server/conf/ccm/indices/workitemindex )
Is it okay?

I think I need to change the teamserve.properties files to absolute path - JTS_3.x_install_dir/server/conf/jts/indices/workitemindex and JTS_3.x_install_dir/server/conf/ccm/indices/workitemindex before running the upgrade script. Right?


I don't think they are confusing.
does not at all pint to any websphere folder.

The interactive instructions say For Jazz Team Server, enter com.ibm.team.fulltext.indexLocation=WAS_Install_Dir/IBM/WebSphere/appServer/profiles/Appsrv01/conf/jts/indices/workitemindex where

Oh, now I see it. Yes, that is wrong.

My current setting in JTS teamserver.properties file is:
My current setting in CCM teamserver.properties file is:
I looked at JTS_3.0.1_Install_dir\conf\jts\indices\workitemindex folder and CCM_3.0.1_Install_dir\conf\ccm\indices\workitemindex folder and they are empty! Why there is nothing in the workitemindex folders?

I don't know where the index files go if you run with WAS and have a relative path. Even more disturbing I seem to be unable to find the documentation that states you need to enter absolute paths.
Search for a folder named workitemindex. There are other index locations with files. Typically with prefix jfs-.See the backup article i mentioned in one of the answers for more information.
You could also try to set the locations to absolute and rebuild all the indexes.