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Error occured during installation of CCM&JTS on linux using ibm installation manager

Makeit 002 (137) | asked Nov 11 '16, 8:23 a.m.
The message was: error during "install" phase ;  unable to create intermediate directory ..
another time message was " error during install phase" : unable to create intermediate directory..
Tried the following places: /opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer/internal/liberty/clmserver....
I started installation manager as a root. (su). therefore It should be possible create intermediate directories during installation..
Is my Linux suse Leap 42.2 not right os to install ccm and jts on it?
Which version of Linux is often used to install ccm and jts on it ?

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Nov 13 '16, 8:10 p.m.
You are using openSUSE Leap 42.2, which is not exactly SUSE. I have never encountered such issue when installing CLM (any version) on Linux. You can find all the supported Linux versions (for CLM 6.0.2) here.|D007|D006|D008|S002|S009&mandatoryCapIds=30|9|24|35|13|132|42|19|16|26|40&optionalCapIds=133|66|135|7|5|12|1|187|19|137|27|4

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