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Trouble running build engine on Solaris 10 with RTC 4.0

Dane Uriona (1133) | asked Aug 20 '12, 6:37 p.m.

Installed the RTC-BuildSystem-Toolkit-Sol64-4.0 on our Solaris 10 build machine and when we try to start up the Build Engine on the build machine we get the following error:

"CRRTC3524W: Repository connection failed: CRJAZ1368E The URL {our URL}:9443/ccm/versionCompatibility?clientVersion=4.0 cannot be reached.  The network stated the URL is invalid.  The error is “java.nio.channels.UnresolvedAddressException”"

The Solaris Box has Java 1.6.

Anyone know what this error means?

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Aug 21 '12, 3:25 a.m.
edited Aug 21 '12, 3:25 a.m.
Hi, the URL {our URL}:9443/ccm/versionCompatibility?clientVersion=4.0 is the first URL a client checks. This error comes up always if there is any network or URL issue. Can you reach to https://{our URL}:9443/ccm/versionCompatibility?clientVersion=4.0 from a browser at the Solaris Box?

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