RTC 5.0.2 Gray out (read only) Attributes/Fields without permissions -Web Interface

I would like to Gray out Attributes, on specific states or actions, so in that way the user don't lose time filling all and at the end they get the red message that says that they should be filling certain attributes.
Also I need to add special behavior, depending of previous values of the attributes, sub attributes should be populate with dynamic content, is there any way to do that?
and there is any way to hook scripts to the attribute?
One answer

For the non-editing you might look at Team / Operation Behavior / Save Work Item ( server ) for the preconditions "Read only Attributes for State, Read only Attributes for Type and State. To navigate to this ( Eclipse client )
There are also a few articles:
Read Only Control
Attribute Customization
right click a project area label in Team Artifacts view and Choose Open.
Click on the Process Configuration tab along the bottom of the new pane.
Expand the hieararchy under Team Configuration, select Operation Behavior.
- In the table scroll down to Save Work Item (server) and click in the cell ( which may have an icon in it )
- Click Add next to the pane labeled Precondition and look for the items mentioned earlier.
There are also a few articles:
Read Only Control
Attribute Customization