Repotools -export and -import duration?
Can anyone provide me an estimate based on previous experience of how long this repotools process may take. My MS SQL DB sizes are as follows:
Jazz_CCM_PRD - 32 GBs
Jazz_JTS_PRD - 4 GBs
Jazz_QM_PRD - 21GBs
Accepted answer
please go through the interactive upgrade guide:
As far as I am aware the repotools export/import was required if upgrading to 3.x. To upgrade to 4.0 from 3.x you don't need to do an export and import, unless you migrate to another DBMS.
Hi Ralph, thanks for the quick response. I have gone thru the upgrade script files and have seen that repotools is not used. Only tables to QM, RM, CCM and JTS databases repositories are added. And it is advised to backup the DB before beginning the upgrade using normal MS SQL Server backup processes.
Just out of curiosity, do u know how long a repotools-ccm -export would take with a 32GB DB?
Hi Dustan, I don't really know but I will pass this to people who might. I think that during the 3.0.1.x upgrade most managed to do it over the weekend, but it took a considerable amount of time. There was an attempt to speed up the export and import too, but it will always be an expensive operation.
Hi Dusdan, I have seen data that shows that you should be able to export/import your 30 GB over a weekend. So, if you need to, you could do a 2 step approach and split the big chunks across two weekends.
In order to minimize the time of a repotools -export, perform the export on the same machine as the db. However, as Ralph has mentioned, a repotools -export and -import is no longer part of the upgrade process starting with the 3x to 4 upgrade.
One other answer
SQL DB tar Sizes and export times running all exports in parallel
JTS - 6GB, 6hours
CCM - 53GB, 14 hours
QM - 30GB, 30 hours
Import Times running in parallel:
JTS - 3h hours
CCM - 13 hours
QM - 12 hours
We barely managed to complete the DB Migration over the course of the weekend.