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The last steps to run rmUpdateProjectBackLinks is failing during upgrade to CLM 5.0

I am preparing a demonstration 50 upgrade to customer next week, the last steps to run rmUpdateProjectBackLinks is failing so I'm unable to complete. I need to resolve the issue asap.
Because of single CLM topology, I am using rmUpdateProjectBackLinksOnline.
Repo Tools
"E:\IBM\JazzTeamServer50\server\conf\rm\provision_profiles" ... provisioning...
Rational Requirements Composer, Version 5.0 (RMS5.0-I20140509_1428)
Jazz Foundation - Core Libraries, Version 5.0 (RJF-I20140509-1319)
CRJAZ1363I loading configuration from "bundleresource://183.fwk1312968258:1/teamserver.properties"
CRJAZ1778I ...........
CRJAZ2558I ... local server renaming state... false ..... openServerDescriptionServiceTemporarily .... false ......
Retrieving project areas.
CRJAZ1357E repotools command could not logon https://vappwin2k8r2ja.test.com:9443/rm. check user credential.
CRJAZ1728E repository tool error occurred ............... E:\IBM\JazzTeamServer50\server\repotools-rm_rmUpdateProjectBackLinksOnline.log