Why does importing my 2.x data into a new 3.x server trigger out of memory exceptions in repotools?

I'm testing migration from RQM to a test RQM repository. The exported tar file is around 5 GB and the jvm heap size has been set to 4GB for repotools on The repotools -import fails at verification stage with errors like :
2012-11-20 03:34:20,505 The Item with ItemID "_SclAUHjnEeG4R8WWnGrl2Q" was found in the ITEM_CURRENTS table, but was not found in the Item types table.
2012-11-20 04:25:18,751 The ITEM_STATE row with itemId = _Y-oEkeOYEeC-b7ZFC1WfAw, keyId = _Y_0XYOOYEeC-b7ZFC1WfAw and itemType = com.ibm.rqm.planning#VersionedTestCase failed to be demarshalled.
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: ZIP004:OutOfMemoryError, MEM_ERROR in inflateInit2 at java.util.zip.Inflater.init(Native Method)
at java.util.zip.Inflater.<init>(Inflater.java:107).
One answer

Many customers will wisely use repotools -verify and the optional online verify before migrating data.
However administrators should be aware that the import process also does it's own forms of validating, some of which is done through the same extensible framework that online verify contributes to. As a result, if the online verify tool is installed on the new server when the import is performed extra validation will occur which will have an impact on performance and memory consumption.
It is therefore recommended that if you wish to use the online verify tools on a migrated system that it be installed after the migration is performed, not before.
Online verify is available here:
If you already have online verify installed it can be removed. The instructions for installation are to "Unzip the verifier .zip file into the InstallHome/server directory"
An uninstall would involve removing the files that were added by the zip, which would be:
one folder
- InstallHome/server/conf/jazz/sites/verifier-update-site
one file
- InstallHome/server/conf/jazz/provision_profiles/verify-profile.ini
run ./repotools.sh -clean

Of course there are lots of other things that could cause out of memory errors with repotools, like simply not having a large enough heap configured.
When in doubt, use a bigger heap.
Heapsize is configured in your platform and servlet-specific startup scripts.