How to get Work Item found in attribute value?

Accepted answer

int id = new Integer(idString).intValue();
IWorkItem workItem = workItemClient.findWorkItemById(id,
IWorkItem.SMALL_PROFILE, null);
IAttribute foundIn = workItemClient.findAttribute(projectArea,
if (workItem.hasAttribute(foundIn)){
IDeliverableHandle foundInValueHandle = (IDeliverableHandle) workItem.getValue(foundIn);
IDeliverable foundInValue = (IDeliverable)teamRepository.itemManager().fetchCompleteItem(foundInValueHandle, IItemManager.REFRESH, null);
System.out.println("Found In "+ foundInValue.getName() );
System.out.println("Accessed work item: " + workItem.getId() + ".");
4 other answers


When I try https://server_port/ccm/oslc/workitems/workitem_number.xml? I get page cannot be displayed.
When I try s://server_port/ccm/oslc/workitems/ or s://server_port/ccm/oslc/ I get The requested resource () is not available.
Do I need to do something to turn on OSLC services or should it be on by default? I experimenting with the standard Windows 7 RTC download.


Also if you just put,

That works! Thanks. I'm new to OSLC so I didn't realize you could post the work item number.xml to get it to work.
The first statement didn't list the actual foundIn value. But the 502.xml displaying all properties did. I need to figure out how to list the value of a property.
I've spent a fair amount of time using the Reportable REST API to extract work item information I need for another application. (For example, list certain fields - including some parent and child values - for all work items in a particular project, state, and planned for.)
How would using OSLC for that compare to using the Reportable REST API? Is there a clear advantage to one over the other?
Here is what I am doing with REST:
(I'll list it in the next comment:)

<server>:<port>/ ccm/rpt/repository/workitem?fields=workitem/workItem[projectArea/name='MiCSES 2' and (state/id=53 or state/id=2 or state/id=51 or state/id=5)]/(children[type/id='source_code_ci_-_micses']/(id|stringExtensions[key='MICSES_Source_File_CI_Name']/value|bigDecimalExtensions[key='MICSES_Source_file_CI_Version_dec']/value|parent/(id|state/name|target/name)))

I get the error while running your code:
com.sun.proxy.$Proxy26 cannot be cast to
Could you help?

Don't post new questions on questions that are already answered and accepted
- Create a new question
- Create a question, that has actually data that others could work on

You obviously try to cast something to something, that can't be casted that way.

Hi Ralph
I could identify the error. Actually I was not able to use IDeliverable, instead I used Deliverable Class (without "I") and I could retrieve foundIn attribute. Check my code:
IAttribute attribute = workItemClient.findAttribute(projectAreaHandle,identifier, iProgressMonitor);
Object value = workItem.getValue(attribute);
if (value instanceof IDeliverableHandle){
IDeliverableHandle foundInValueHandle = (IDeliverableHandle) workItem.getValue(attribute);
Deliverable foundInValue = (Deliverable)teamRepository.itemManager().fetchCompleteItem(foundInValueHandle, IItemManager.REFRESH, null);
Thank you!

Looks good.