RPE: Embed OLE Files from RTC
I am running RPE 2.1.2 and I am trying to embed OLE files (.xml, doc, .pdf, etc) into my RPE output report using the href from RTC (workitem/workItem/auditableLinks/targetRef/referenceItem/href to be more specific). I have read from other users to use Include File from RPE. I have tried that and when running the report, I get an xml output in my Word document that seems to be the metadata of the link, which includes the file name, link, and other information.
I have also read to use the Field from RPE and haven't had any luck.
Any help would be great!!!
- Sabino
2 answers
Hi Sabino,
Do you mean the metadata of the link is something like {INCLUDETEXT "file:C:/temp/.... .rtf" * MERGEFORMAT} ? Then make sure you set
1. Update Fields = true in Specification > Output: Word* (and PDF, Html...)
2. Specify the stylesheet file path to "rpe.dot" with macro name "rpe" when generating a Word document. This macro will update OLE objects into the document.
Hi Kenji,
Thank you for your response.
The data doesn't contain {INCLUDETEXT....
It's more like the following output:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>...
<dc:title>[File name].xlsx</dc:title>
<dc:description>[File name].xlsx</dc:description>
There is no direct way to do this in RPE. This should be similar to generating RPE Word output with RQM test case attachments embedded as OLE.
Instead of using RQMUrlUtility.jar, you can try curl. You can download the attachments (workitem/workItem/auditableLinks/targetRef/referencedItem/href) to local path and then embed them as OLE. Use workitem/workItem/auditableLinks/targetRef/comment as file name. Use the condition workitem/workItem/auditableLinks/name == "com.ibm.team.workitem.linktype.attachment" so that this is done only when WI has attachments.