https://server:port/qm/process/project-areas doesn't work to create a Project Area in RQM
This is what I'm doing,
I'm using REST services through https://server:port/qm/process/project-areas to GET PA already created in RQM and seems to work.
The problem comes when I try to POST a XML request to create a PA in RQM using https://server:port/qm/process/project-areas
This is the code, (basically is a POST XML request to the server to create a PA using documentation found in
Is there any possibility to create a PA programatically in RQM???
This is what I'm doing,
I'm using REST services through https://server:port/qm/process/project-areas to GET PA already created in RQM and seems to work.
The problem comes when I try to POST a XML request to create a PA in RQM using https://server:port/qm/process/project-areas
This is the code, (basically is a POST XML request to the server to create a PA using documentation found in
And this is the answer from the server,my ($name, $userAgent) = @_;
#Post to create PA
my $message = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>
<jp06:project-area xmlns:jp06=\"\" jp06:name=\"${name}\" jp06:templateId=\"\" jp06:templateLocale=\"es\">
<jp06:visibility jp06:access=\"PUBLIC\"/>
my $response = $userAgent->request(POST '',
Content_Type => 'text/xml', Content => $message);
print $response->error_as_HTML unless $response->is_success;
print $response->as_string;
Forbidden: is not allowed to use https://server:port/qm/process/project-areas with RQM? I'd like to confirm that.C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>cqperl C:\tmp\
<HEAD><TITLE>An Error Occurred</TITLE></HEAD>
<H1>An Error Occurred</H1>
403 Forbidden
HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
Cache-Control: no-cache="set-cookie, set-cookie2"
Connection: Close
Date: Thu, 02 Aug 2012 15:46:18 GMT
Server: WebSphere Application Server/7.0
Content-Language: es-ES
Expires: Thu, 01 Dec 1994 16:00:00 GMT
Client-Date: Thu, 02 Aug 2012 16:02:59 GMT
Client-Response-Num: 1
Client-SSL-Cert-Issuer: /C=US/O=IBM/OU=n1467Node01/OU=n1467Node01Cell/OU=Root Ce
Client-SSL-Cert-Subject: /C=US/O=IBM/OU=n1467Node01/OU=n1467Node01Cell/CN=n1467.
Client-SSL-Warning: Peer certificate not verified
Client-Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=0000o_CMwfaMqCfA05P9TQFvV46:-1; Path=/
Is there any possibility to create a PA programatically in RQM???
3 answers
Thanks for your response.
Yes, I'm logged as jtsadmin and he can create project areas in RQM UI and belongs to JazzAdmins.
Is it supported to use https://server:port/qm/process/project-areas as entry point to create PA in RQM? That would be nice to know if this is possible/supported.
Thanks a lot!!!
Yes, I'm logged as jtsadmin and he can create project areas in RQM UI and belongs to JazzAdmins.
Is it supported to use https://server:port/qm/process/project-areas as entry point to create PA in RQM? That would be nice to know if this is possible/supported.
Thanks a lot!!!