Where is the info about Project Areas, Users and Process Roles in the repository DB?
Customer has over 110 RTC Projects and they have over 500 Users. Customer needs to create a report that could show them a list of project areas, users in each project area and the process role assigned to each user. Customer currently has to collect all this info manually and then add in an excel sheet. They don't want to create a custom BIRT report, they just want to create their own report by making queries to the Jazz Repository Database and getting this information. So customer wants to know:
What Database TABLES in Jazz Repository Database contain the following 3 information:
-Project Areas
-Users in each project Area
-Process Roles assigned to each user
Customer claims that when you look at a project Area, you see this info in the eclipse client so this infomation must be stored in the database somewhere. Customer needs to know what tables contain the above mentioned 3 fields??
Customer already looked at the Jazz DataWareshouse articles but couldn't find the table name that contain process roles because data warehouse does not contain this info.
Please let me know the table names so that I can pass it on to the customer.
What Database TABLES in Jazz Repository Database contain the following 3 information:
-Project Areas
-Users in each project Area
-Process Roles assigned to each user
Customer claims that when you look at a project Area, you see this info in the eclipse client so this infomation must be stored in the database somewhere. Customer needs to know what tables contain the above mentioned 3 fields??
Customer already looked at the Jazz DataWareshouse articles but couldn't find the table name that contain process roles because data warehouse does not contain this info.
Please let me know the table names so that I can pass it on to the customer.
2 answers
Reading the database directly to get the members and role assignments is not encouraged or supported. There are easier ways of getting this information.
The process REST API, https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/DraftTeamProcessRestApi would seem to be the easiest approach. An alternative would be to use the process Client API.
The process REST API, https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/DraftTeamProcessRestApi would seem to be the easiest approach. An alternative would be to use the process Client API.