how can I retrieve/filter on all comments (not just recent)
In our customer project we have hundreds of requirements which all go through a review process. Therefore we have a lot of comments in RRC. Currently we are not able to check if all comments are resolved or even read by the people:
- The available filter (on the right side) shows only recent comments, anything older is not visible -> but there I have the possibility to filter on resolved, on a name, priority, etc.
- The comment widget in the dashboard does not have any filter (only recent my comments or recent comments for me) and it is only a few lines which makes it impossible to find anything
With filter or search I can only search on artifact contents, but not on comments
Question: how can I search for comments which are not recent (> 2 weeks) and which are not yet resolved?
Andrew Codrington
Jul 31 '12, 3:38 p.m.We've run into this situation (v3.0.1.2). With many requirements artifacts it can become a difficult chore to find older comments.
Older comments are present in the sidebar if you open the specific artifact that was commented on, but there doesn't seem to be a way to search for artifacts with comments, let alone comments in a specific state.
I have been looking at Requirements Change Requests as an alternative way to gather feedback on requirements, but the formality and extra steps required to submit one may inhibit collaboration.
Can anyone comment on whether the "comment searching" situation improves in 4.0? I can open an enhancement request if not.