Design Management V4: Any integration with SPARX EA? Release Date?
One answer
Just a warning on this approach.
Sparx EA is very well known for having a badly broken XMI export capability. There are literally hundreds of problem reports on various aspects of its UML export 'capability' and if you have anything more than basic boxes and lines you may be in trouble.
In addition, XMI will export your model elements but not the diagrams. You will have to redraw these in whatever tool you import the XMI into.
I have had many clients who wanted to move from Sparx EA or who have wanted to use models developed in Sparx EA and I have been through the pain of migrating. In the end, the best result I achieved was to:
- export in UML 1.4 XMI format with the Rational Rose Unisys extensions.
- import this into a copy of Rational Rose with the Unisys developed XMI importer.
- hack the Rose model file by hand to move several key fields (the visibility, persistence and documentation fields to name three!!) out of the EA specific profile and into the correct place.
- import the Rose model into RSA, throwing away all the EA added profile junk
My only hope is they have improved EA!!!
1 vote
Oh and if you want UML 2.0 then you are a bit out of luck! I did manage once to export UML 2.0 XMI from EA that would at least import without completely barfing. I then used RSA's model combine to merge the content of this RSA model into the one produced using the above method. I then had to redraw the UML 2.0 specific diagrams and fix quite a few elements (mainly activity diagram type elements - EA seems to be the worst at exporting those)
Some people report luck with the Reischmann Toolbus, which is developed by one of our Business Partners.
Disclaimer: Last time I had to do this was about the middle of last year so they may have fixed things in EA by now. I am also an IBM Rational tech rep and have used Rational's modelling tools for the last 15 years, I'm a huge fan of RSA and no, they didn't pay me to say that :-)
1 vote
Hi Daniel and Davyd,
Thanks for your responses. I would ask more questions when I get down to the deep level of using DM4 :-)