Spellchecking on work items do not show suggestions of mispellings

When in a workitem and typing if you mispell a word then it puts the Red wavy line under the mispelled word. If you correct the word then the red wavy line goes away, Expected.
However, there does not seem to be a function that shows you alternative spelling or suggestions for mispellings. No hover, no right-click, nothing that will help you figure out how the spelling is wrong.
I know that there is something behind the scenes looking at the words for spelling errors as it shows teh Red wavy line and then removes it if spelling is corrected. but what about suggested spellings, is there something that can be enabled to show the user alternative spellings to what the user is trying to type?
Thank You for your help...
Accepted answer


Hello Daniel,
I had not tried Control-Right Click prior to your comment. I have since tried Ctrl, Alt, & Shft Right-Click and none of them seemed to work. Thank You for your comment/suggestion.

I have a workitem on my backlog to do this. Looks like it has to be done once for every eclipse client