When is VIsual Studio Client for RTC to be released (Q4)?

One answer

Hi Steve,
Look for a Camtasia on our blog within the next couple of weeks with more details on what the Visual Studio integration looks like.
The first release will focus on having SCM and some work item integrations. The Pending Changes view and Work Item view will be available and developers will be able to perform most of their development based activities directly from Visual Studio. You'll be able to run work item queries and see the results list from withint Visual Studio, but the work item editing and query composition will use the web ui.
You are correct that we are aiming for 4Q2008.
Jean-Michel Lemieux
Jazz Source Control Team
Look for a Camtasia on our blog within the next couple of weeks with more details on what the Visual Studio integration looks like.
The first release will focus on having SCM and some work item integrations. The Pending Changes view and Work Item view will be available and developers will be able to perform most of their development based activities directly from Visual Studio. You'll be able to run work item queries and see the results list from withint Visual Studio, but the work item editing and query composition will use the web ui.
You are correct that we are aiming for 4Q2008.
Jean-Michel Lemieux
Jazz Source Control Team