Can't find the visual studio IDE plugin for RTC

I am hopelessly searching for the Rational Team Concert Client for Microsoft Visual Studio IDE that is so readily referenced in way too many documents on this site. However, there seems to NEVER be a link to it.
I've installed the RTC client for eclipse, and have VS2010 installed and connected to TFS and ClearCase, but RTC does not show up in the VS source control options.
How do I get VS to see the RTC source control in the VS IDE?
I've installed the RTC client for eclipse, and have VS2010 installed and connected to TFS and ClearCase, but RTC does not show up in the VS source control options.
How do I get VS to see the RTC source control in the VS IDE?
Accepted answer

Go to the "All Downloads" page for your version for example
1. Use the Web Installer for your OS (probably Win given Visual Studio: )
2. Or you browse down to the "Client for Microsoft Visual Studio IDE" and download the repository unzip it somewhere and add it to the Installation Manager repositories. Once added you can install, it will detect Visual Studio and allow to install into it.
There are several other interesting items on the download page that can be installed in these two flavors.
Hope this helps.
1. Use the Web Installer for your OS (probably Win given Visual Studio: )
2. Or you browse down to the "Client for Microsoft Visual Studio IDE" and download the repository unzip it somewhere and add it to the Installation Manager repositories. Once added you can install, it will detect Visual Studio and allow to install into it.
There are several other interesting items on the download page that can be installed in these two flavors.
Hope this helps.