Why don't all of my custom attibutes show up in the "attribute mapping" dialog in RTC?

I created a custom attribute on a work item in RTC and want to make it a "plan attribute". When I go to the Attribute Mapping section and press add to bring up the "Attribute Mapping" dialog, the custom attribute is not listed. I have done this with other custom attributes successfully. This isn't the first time an attribute has not shown up the in the Attribute Mapping dialog. Is there something "tricky" that needs to be done to ensure that the attribute is one that can be mapped for usage in a plan?
One answer

Not all attribute types are available in the attribute mapping for the plan. Not even all built in attributes are available in the plan as column, as far as I know. So for example attributes of the type large HTML might not be available (just an example, I have not checked which are and which aren't). Enumeration type attributes are usually available. So it is important to check what type the attribute has.