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Unconfigure welcome work items

Omar Vazquez (281713) | asked Oct 09 '15, 5:27 p.m.
Each time that I create a new project area automatically RTC create and send 6 work items by default (New: Define team members, New: Review your source code structure, New: Review Process Definition, etc) Is there a way to unconfigure or avoid to send these kind of work items?

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Guido Schneider (3.4k1491115) | answered Oct 10 '15, 9:21 a.m.
Hello Omar,

with the Eclipse Client you can remove this in the process from the project area within the Project Initialization page.

- Connect server
- select Project Area
- Open
- Process Configuration Tab
- Project Configuration / Project Area Initialization Menue
- Seup Project

On right side you see all actions e.g. what kind of workitems will be created.


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