Has anyone had problems doing the setup after installing CLM 4.0 on IBM i?
I installed 4.0 on an IBM i server and was following the install instructions. Everything appeared to be going fine until step 4, running the setup wizard. When I put in the URL to go to jts/setup it gave me a message indicating the user ID I logged in with was not recognizable. Problem is, it never asked me for an ID. Anyone know how I find out what ID it thinks I am using?
Accepted answer
Jim, my colleague tracked the User Registry issue down to a WAS problem in my case: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21587363
Hope this helps you too!
Hope this helps you too!
4 other answers
Hi Jim,
First, make sure you cleared the browser cache and closed the browers before restarting the browser and retrying. If it is not the simple solution, please read on.
I installed CLM 4.0 twice on IBM i in the past days. Last week all went smooth (iOS 7.1, WAS ND Today we observed the same phenomenon you described on iOS 6 with WAS Express Maybe we should have updated to the supported fixpack 23 before.
Turns out that in the WAS admin console we needed to manually switch on global security for the WAS profile. We also set parameters according to a description I found in this article:
Click Security > Global security. Under Java 2 security, clear the check box for Use Java 2 security to restrict application access to local resources.
First, make sure you cleared the browser cache and closed the browers before restarting the browser and retrying. If it is not the simple solution, please read on.
I installed CLM 4.0 twice on IBM i in the past days. Last week all went smooth (iOS 7.1, WAS ND Today we observed the same phenomenon you described on iOS 6 with WAS Express Maybe we should have updated to the supported fixpack 23 before.
Turns out that in the WAS admin console we needed to manually switch on global security for the WAS profile. We also set parameters according to a description I found in this article:
Click Security > Global security. Under Java 2 security, clear the check box for Use Java 2 security to restrict application access to local resources.
Next , navigate to Security > Global security > Web and SIP security > General settings. Select the check box for Use available authentication data when an unprotected URI is accessed.
With this when you run setup (https://myserver.my.com:<port>/jts/setup) you should get a login window. Standard admin user is JTSADMIN with jtsadmpwd - the CFGJAZZSRV script should have created that user profile on your IBM i as well.
Can you please confirm whether or not this solved your problem ?
- Arne
Thanks. I tried your suggestion but it did not make any difference. I will continue to try some things with the security to see if I can figure it out. Unfortunately this system is probably messed up because I initially did an upgrade from 3.0.1 to 4.0 that is getting errors when I try to bring up the web browser for that. So I created a new WAS instance to see if that would work and I am getting this. I am in the process of putting 4.0 on a V7R1 system that is clean to see if I can get it to work there. If that works I will probably just clear CLM off of this system and reinstall it from scratch. I am off to visit a client today, so I won't get back to working on this till next week, maybe.
Finally got back to this. I had initially had problems with the clean install on a V7R1 system but the security stuff seems to have taken care of that. Now I am going through the set up and can't get past the 'setup User Registry' step. Everything seems to be OK until I hit 'next'. First it comes up with a 'TypeError: this.currentForm.statusMsgHandler is undefined message. Pressing OK on that puts me back on setup user registry panel with the message 'You need to be authinticated as a user from LDAP to import your user and assign licenses'. But I have the Non-LDAP External Registry button selected. I have not been able to figure out how to get around this. Any suggestions?
Jim, Did you ever get past this problem? I've gone through my settings and continue to get stuck here. I manually change the URL to advance to the next step in the setup, but then end up failing on the error described here: https://jazz.net/forum/questions/82569/crjaz1752e-error-during-clm-v4-setup-with-a-reverse-proxy-when-finalize-application-for-ccm-is-run
Bernd van Oostrum
May 22 '13, 11:44 a.m.I installed CLM 4.0.2 on V7R1 and I'm seeing exactly the same issues.
However, the solution is not clear to me.
I could find the file "java.security" in /QIBM/UserData/Websphere/Appserver/V8/Express/profiles/JTS/properties
I changed the file following the link @ryehle shared with us.
It didn't solve the issue for me.
Any thoughts?
Jim Diephuis
May 22 '13, 1:21 p.m.Sorry, changing to use the SSL socket factory took care of my problem. I recently installed 4.0.2 on my 6.1 system and had to make the change again but it took care of the problem for me. I assume you ended and restarted the server after making the change. I have struggled with security on the jazz server for the i. I don't like to use the profiles they create so I use mine. When I have to change my password it takes me awhile to get RTC back up and running. With CLM they have the password stashed in multiple files that I have to go and change.
Bernd van Oostrum
May 22 '13, 3:24 p.m.Thanks Jim.
Yes, I restarted the server without any luck.
Anyone similar experiences and some tips and tricks to make it work?